外刊方法论丨世界杯只拼球技?Too young,too simple.

2023-05-10 14:56:27























How to win the World Cup

Though tainted by corruption, the tournament rewards liberalism, 
internationalism and open markets【句型】


Yet the competition itself, as opposed to截然相反 /完全不同the murky process of deciding where it is played, showcases好词 progress【句型】Teams really are better than they used to be. It also rewards good government. Autocratic regimes such as China and Russia can ruthlessly drill 训练track-and-field田径运动的 athletes—indeed, the Olympic games sometimes resemble an authoritarian pageant. But dictatorships are rubbish at football, which requires more creativity and flair. The contrast between the former East and West Germany is striking. The East trained massively muscled shot-putters铅球运动员; the West, sublime shot-makers投手. 【好句/省略句】Only four countries rated “not free” by Freedom House, a charity, have qualified for this year’s World Cup, and none is likely to get far. The last country with an autocratic government to win the tournament was Argentina in1978. The women’s contest has only ever been won by democracies (America,Germany, Japan and Norway), though China once made it to the final.(世界杯展示出了进步)

然而,不同于确定世界杯主办国的暗箱操作,比赛本身彰显着进步。球队的确比以前更优秀。比赛也是对良好国家体制的一种嘉奖。中国和俄罗斯等国家可以残酷无情地训练田径运动员——奥运会有时简直就像是国家的盛会。但在足球这项更讲求创造力和天赋的运动上,统治无能为力。前东德与西德之间的对比就很鲜明。东德训练出肌肉发达的铅球选手,而西德则培养出伟大的射门高手。慈善机构(Freedom House)评定为“不自由”的国家只有四个入围了今年的世界杯,而且都不太可能走得很远。上一次夺得世界杯的国家是1978年的阿根廷。至于女足世界杯,尽管中国曾打入决赛,但最后夺冠的都是民主国家(美国、德国、日本和挪威)。

murky /ˈmɜːkɪ/involving dishonest or illegal activities that are kept secret不光彩的,不可告人的,不清白的SYN SHADY 

a murky world of fraud and secret deals 充满欺骗和秘密交易的肮脏世界

a politician with a murky past历史不清白的政客

showcase v [T]  展示She wants to showcase African-American literature. 她想展现美国黑人文学的魅力。

•  Restored films are being showcased this month at a festivalin Paris.  本月的巴黎电影节将展映一些修复版的电影。

·pageant /ˈpædʒənt/ 1.N-COUNT A pageant or a beauty pageant is a competition in which young women are judged to decide which one is the most beautiful.选美大赛

•  ...the Miss Universe beauty pageant. …环球小姐选美大赛。

 2.N-COUNT A pageant is a colourful public procession,show, or ceremony. Pageants are usually held outdoors and often celebrate events or people from history. 盛大庆典 (通常为露天的)

•  ...a historical pageant of kings and queens. …一场历史上的国王和王后们的盛大庆典。

rubbish /ˈrʌbɪʃ/informal: not skilful at a particular activity【英,非正式】技术差劲的

a rubbish team 一支蹩脚的球队

【拓展-动词词性】rubbishV-T If you rubbish a person their ideas or their work, you say they are of little value. 【英】把说得一文不值把〔某物〕;说得一无是处

flair /flɛə/1.[singular,单数] a natural ability to do something very well 天赋,天分,才能SYN TALENT THESAURUS SKILL

Jo has a flair for languages. 乔有语言天赋。

· 2.[U] away of doing things that is interesting and shows imagination独特的处事风格,有创意的行事作风

Irwin has real entrepreneurial flair. 欧文很有创业才能。

artistic/creative flaira job for which artistic flair is essential 艺术才华起关键作用的工作

【熟词生义--根据语境猜词】sublime: 使变得超群出众:

A hit song sublimed her as a star.一首轰动一时的歌曲使她变成了歌星。


【拓展】get far有出息:John won't get far if he is lazy.约翰如果这样懒将不会有出息

International football punishes inward-looking countries and rewards those with more cosmopolitan attitudes.【句型】When picking team managers, wise countries pass over their national heroes and appoint managers of any nationality who have proved themselves in western Europe’stough football leagues. They also call upon their diasporas散居在国外的人.African countries can field【熟词生义】 half-decent过得去的teams largely because so many of their players have refined their skills abroad. Rich-country teams also benefit from the talents of immigrants. Fully half of France’s victorious squad in 1998 were of migrant stock.(国际足球赞赏有世界性眼光的态度。)


cosmopolitan /ˌkɒzməˈpɒlɪtən/1.a cosmopolitan place has people from many different parts of the world – use this to show approval〔指地方〕世界性的,国际性的,全球性的〔含褒义〕

a vibrant, cosmopolitan city 一个充满活力的国际性都市

a lively hotel with a cosmopolitan atmosphere 一家有着国际化氛围的、热闹的宾馆

· 2.a cosmopolitan person, belief, opinion etc shows a wide experience of different people and places〔人〕见多识广的;〔信仰、意见等〕显示丰富阅历的

Brigitta has such a cosmopolitan outlook on life. 布丽吉塔的人生观非常豁达。

· pass over 1.PHRASAL VERB If someone is passed over for a job or position, they do not get the job or position and someone younger or less experienced is chosen instead.(任命或晋升时)未加考虑

•  She claimed she was repeatedly passed over for promotion while less experienced white male colleagues were made partners.  她声称多次升职都未被考虑,而那些比她资历差的白人男同事却已经晋升成为合伙人了。

2.PHRASAL VERB If you pass over a topic in a conversation or speech, you do not talk about it. 避而不谈

•  He largely passed over the government's record. 他对政府的相关记录基本上是避而不谈。

Field: 1.if you field a team, an army etc, they represent you or fight for you in a competition, election, or war使参加竞赛[选举,战斗]

The Ecology Party fielded 109 candidates . 生态党推举了109名候选人。

We fielded a team of highly talented basketball players. 我们派出一支由高水平篮球运动员组成的队伍。

Why nations fail国家为何失败

Football can also teach countries how to spot and hone human capital.The best performers not only have systems for finding gifted children, but also ways of spotting late developers who failed to make the first cut. Their academies turn out intelligent, creative players rather than dribbling automatons运球机器. Then, if they are clever, they drop their best footballers into a competitive market. A simple model of countries’ aptitude for football, which weighs things like wealth and interest in the game, suggests that America ought to be doing better. One possible reason for the failure of its men’s teams is that America’s professional soccer league is a cartel. Salaries are capped封顶的【高频词/熟词生义】, and the lower-division teams in which domestic players might develop cannot be promoted.


hone /həʊn/1.to improve your skill at doing something, especially when you are already very good at it磨炼,训练;提高〔技艺〕

He set about honing his skills as a draughts man. 他着手提高自己的绘画技艺。

(= extremely well-developed ) intuition 极度发达的直觉

·  【拓展】the cut and thrust of sththe exciting but sometimes difficult or unpleasant way that something is done某事物的激烈争斗;某事物的交锋

the cut and thrust of political debate 唇枪舌剑

·        be a cut above sb/sthto be much better than someone else or something else优于某人/某物,比某人/某物高出一筹

The movie is acut above recent thrillers. 这部影片比最近拍的惊险片要好得多。

He proved himself to be a cut above the rest . 他证明了自己比别人要优秀得多。

dribble /ˈdrɪbəl/V-T/V-I When players dribble the ball in a game such as basketball or football, they keep kicking or tapping it quickly in order to keep it moving.运球;带球

•  He dribbled the ball toward Ferris.  他运球传向费里斯。

•  He dribbled past four defenders. 他带球突破了4名防守球员。

automaton /ɔːˈtɒməˌtɒn, -tən/1.a machine,especially one in the shape of a human, that moves without anyone controlling it自动操作装置,〔尤指〕机器人SYN ROBOT 

· 2.someone who seems unable to feel emotions or to think about what they are doing没有感情的人;机械行事的人;行尸走肉

cartel /kɑːˈtɛl/a group of people or companies who agree to sell something at a particular price in order to prevent competition and increase profits卡特尔,同业联盟〔一伙人或多家公司为限制竞争和增加利润而结成的固定价格联盟〕RELTD MONOPOLY 

an illegal drug cartel 非法贩毒集团

So liberal internationalists should enjoy the World Cup, despite the Putinophile亲普京的 propaganda that will nodoubt disfigure itfrom time to time. Football,like life, is gloriously unpredictable. For what it is worth, our model suggests that one country is best-placedto不二人选dominate the beautiful game; indeed, it has performed slightly worse than it should have done over the years. That country is Germany.





【相关拓展】Oenophilicadj.oenophile的变形 oenophile /'i:nəfail; -fil/n.1.嗜酒的人


hydrophilic /ˌhaɪdrəʊˈfɪlɪk/ ADJ tendingto dissolve in, mix with, or be wetted by water 亲水性的

→compare hydrophobic恐水的/疏水的

•  a hydrophilic colloid亲水胶质 

【反义词根拓展】-phobic /-ˈfəʊbɪk/ SUFFIX -phobic occurs in words that describe something relating to a strong, irrational fear or hatred of people or things of a particular kind表示...强烈恐惧或痛恨的

•  I'm statistic-phobic, and hopelessly ignorant of medicine. 我对统计数据感到恐惧,对药物也一窍不通。








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