Our New Teachers for AY1819 (Part Ⅱ) | 我们的新老师 (2)

2023-05-10 14:56:27

Our New Teachers

There will be new teachers joining our SSIS family for the new academic year. We will be sharing more information of these new teachers to our community over the next few weeks.

MH Primary

Corey Baker

Corey is very excited to be joining Shanghai Singapore International School. With eighteen years of Physical Education teaching experience in four Countries (Australia, England, China and Germany), he will bring a wealth of knowledge in sport, health and training. In two International schools his role was Head of Sport where he coached Varsity Basketball, Softball, Athletics, Rugby and Touch.

Sport is an integral part of his life both as an athlete and a coach. As a youngster he played in many different representative teams including Cricket, Rugby, Touch, Basketball, Squash, Softball, Tennis and Baseball. The major highlight of his sporting career has been playing in two Touch World Cups.

Running sporting Tournaments for a school in Europe was another highlight, with one football tournament specially standing above the rest. A class of year ten students covered the four-day tournament. It included live streaming of all matches and photos, results and match reports. It was amazing to have families in Tel Aviv, Cairo, Athens, Munich, London, Paris, Zurich, Frankfurt and Bonn all enjoying the competition from wherever they were in the world.





Temisha Willis

Master of Arts in Teaching and Learning K-12,
Nova Southeastern University

Temisha Willis is originally from Mississippi, though she spent the last 21 years teaching in Ohio. Teaching is her passion. Her mother is a teacher and from a young age she knew she wanted to follow in her footsteps. Temisha loves to see a child’s eyes, or smile light up when they have grasped a difficult concept, or conquered a fear, or simply learned a new strategy. She feels fortunate to bring her skills as a primary literacy coach to SSIS and to work with a Grade 5 English class in the new academic year. She is ecstatic that she has been selected to work at such a prestigious institution where she will interact with other passionate and energetic educators.

Temisha loves shopping, traveling, reading and trying new foods. She anticipates learning here at SSIS, just as much as she is prepared to teach.


Temisha Willis来自美国密西西比州,后在俄亥俄州教了21年的书。教学是她热爱的事业。Temisha的母亲是一位教师,从小她就立志追随母亲的脚步。当孩子们掌握了一个难懂的知识点,克服了恐惧,或只是学会了一个新的方法;当他们为此眼中闪耀光芒,或者笑了,Temisha都会很高兴。新学年她将担任SSIS五年级的英语老师,她非常高兴自己能被SSIS选中。在这样一个优秀的学校中工作,她会与其他充满激情和活力的教育者一起努力奋进。



Senior School

John Whitehead

University of California, Santa Barbara – Business Economics
Nottingham University – Post Graduate Certificate in International Education

SSIS proudly introduces the new IBDP Coordinator. He is from the USA, but he has lived and taught in Asia for fifteen years now.  After graduating from University, he worked in corporate accounting for five years.  Unsatisfied with the career path, he moved to Ulsan, South Korea to teach English.  He worked in public schools in Ulsan and Busan for six years before moving to Beijing nine years ago.  In Beijing, he worked at a private boarding school which was one of China’s oldest IB schools.  There he taught Economics and Theory of Knowledge (TOK) for six years, five of which as a Department Head.  For the last three years, he has been at the Dulwich College in Beijing where he took the role of assistant IBDP Coordinator, taught Economics, TOK and served as a CAS supervisor.

Over the years, he has been able to enrich student lives outside of the classroom through supporting extracurricular activities.  These have included the Student Investor Club, Student Entrepreneur Club, Student Radio, student volunteer work (teaching English and Music) at schools for migrant children and coaching boys’ volleyball.  

He is honored to be working as the Diploma and Theory of Knowledge Coordinator this year.  He believes student success in the IB program is linked to the qualities and values students develop through leadership experiences, and he is excited to see our students become successful in all aspects of their lives. He is looking forward to working with students, parents and teachers at SSIS to create a positive environment for student success and advance the IB results.


SSIS非常高兴向大家介绍我校新IBDP课程负责人John Whitehead。John来自美国,但他已在亚洲生活、任教十五年。大学毕业后,他在会计领域工作了五年。之后前往韩国教英语并在蔚山和釜山的公立学校工作了六年。他于九年前搬到北京并在一所中国最早开设IB课程的学校任教——任经济学和知识理论(TOK)老师六年,其中有五年为科目主任。在过去的三年里,他一直在北京德威英国国际学校担任IBDP助理负责人,CAS课程主任,并教授经济学和TOK课程。




Theresa Harwood-Xie    

BA Fine Art, UEL, London, UK
PGCE, University of Greenwich, London, UK
Master of Art History and Theory, University of Sydney, Australia

SSIS proudly introduces Theresa Harwood-Xie, the new Head of Visual Art. She is extremely happy to be delivering the Visual Arts curriculum across the High School at SSIS. She is originally from the United Kingdom and proudly bonded to China through marriage.

She has been teaching Visual Art for many years; she has taught in the UK, Singapore and China. She is a painter with a penchant for textile design and she loves art history -particularly Singaporean Art History. She is looking forward to getting to know all her students and supporting them to achieve all their creative ambitions. She fully endorses the adage, “Believe in your students and they will believe in themselves.”




Theresa Harwood-Xie将担任SSIS中学部视觉艺术负责人,对此她非常荣幸。Theresa是英国人,如今嫁到了中国。多年来她一直从事视觉艺术教学;她曾在英国、新加坡及中国任教。同时她也是一位爱好纺织品设计的画家,此外她还热爱艺术史,尤其是新加坡艺术史。她期待着了解她的所有学生,支持他们实现自己的充满创意的理想。她十分认同一句谚语:“相信你的学生,他们就会相信自己。”


Roger Tu

SSIS proudly introduces our new Chemistry Teacher Mr. Roger Tu from the United States. He graduated from Cornell University with a B.S. in Chemical Engineering and M.A.T. in Science Education.  After ten years teaching at an inner-city high school in Philadelphia, he moved overseas to teach at Concordia International School Shanghai for eight years and Asia Pacific International School-Seoul Campus for two years.  As a teacher, he has served as a volleyball coach, helped with the robotics team, advised a service organization and led several service trips in China and Southeast Asia. In 2015, Mr. Tu spent a gap year volunteering as the director of service learning for the Concordia Welfare and Education Foundation, a Hong Kong based NGO focused on poverty alleviation in China and Cambodia.  He has been very involved in various ministries in his home churches, including youth ministry, outreach, audio/visual team, and media team.  Mr. Tu likes to cook, play board games, and go on service trips.  He is also a father to his three children.

Roger Tu将担任SSIS化学老师。他来自美国,毕业于康奈尔大学获化学工程学士学位,理工科硕士学位。在费城的一所市内高中任教十年后,他移居海外,先后在上海协和国际学校任教八年,在学校-首尔校区工作两年。作为一名老师,他曾担任过排球教练,机器人团队指导,公益组织顾问,还在中国和东南亚开展了数次公益活动。2015年,Roger作为协和福利与教育组织主管花了一年的时间做志愿服务。这是一个总部在香港的致力于在中国和柬埔寨开展扶贫工作的非政府组织。他在他的教会中非常活跃,参与了包括青年部、外展、视听小组和媒体团队等各部门的事务。平时,Roger喜欢烹饪、玩棋盘游戏和参加社会服务,同时他也是三个孩子的父亲。


XH Preschool

PENG, Fiona

Bachelor of Business Management, Monash University  
AMS 3-6 Credential, American Montessori Society
Post Graduate Certificate of Education (International), Keele University
Masters of Visual Design, La Scuola Politecnica de Design

Fiona grew up in Australia but was originally from Taiwan. Before she went into education 8 years ago, she was a designer for almost 10 years and loved providing opportunities for children to express themselves artistically.  Having worked in a 3-6 multi-age Montessori classroom for nearly four years, and having been the homeroom teacher of both kindergarten and toddler classes in a bilingual school, she is very familiar with nursery through kindergarten learners. Fiona is looking forward to forming a close bond with the nursery children at SSIS, where she can guide children on how to be independent, express and manage their emotions. She will help students find new ways of looking at a problem and inspiring them to live life with compassion, gratitude, and integrity is central to her goal as an educator.


美国蒙台梭利协会AMS 3-6教师证




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