
2023-05-10 14:56:27






A special day at school

  Good morning ladies and gentlemen. My name is Hunter. Let me begin with a story. 

    A little boy is looking for his classroom. When he finally gets there, the lights become dim; the teachers are gone and the kids turn into big, fierce carnivores. Sounds like a horror movie, right? 

  No! It’s an anxiety dream. That little boy was me, and the next day would be my first day in an English kindergarten. 

  When my mom drove me to school, I was filled with dread. I can’t speak English at all. How can I survive in that school? What if there are bullies? What if nobody plays with me? What if the teachers cannot understand me? 

  My mom comforted me, “Honey, I know there are butterflies in your stomach now. Justkeep smiling and I’m sure you’ll make lots of new friends.”

  When I entered the classroom, I felt the whole class was buzzing with excitement and they even hung a big welcome banner on the wall. “Good morning Hunter, I’m Mrs. Jones, welcome to ourclass!” a middle-aged lady greeted me with a big smile. 

我要爸爸,我要妈妈,我要回家!” I burst out crying. Mrs. Jones didn’t know any Chinese, but it seemed that she could read my mind. She patted me gently, “Daddy and mommy are coming soon.” 

  Just then, a boy with big blue eyes came up to me, “Hey, it’s Water Day today. Let’s go play under the big fountain!” His name is Scott and later we became best friends. That day ended with my face shining with happiness.

  The day is special because it has the worst beginning, but the best ending, ever! Thank you for listening!





最简单易懂的英语顺口溜! 哪位老师总结的? 







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