
2023-05-10 14:56:27



因我自己知道我为你们所定的计划,是使你们得平安,而不是遭受灾祸的计划;要赐给你们美好的前程和盼望。。 ‘你们要呼求我,要来向我祷告,我就必应允你们。 你们要寻找我,只要一心寻求,就必寻见。  (耶利米书 29:11-13 新译本)


 预 备


FCA 营会对我的生活是极大的祝福,神以惊人的方式使用它向我显示祂的光可以在我缺陷和软弱之处光照我。今年夏天,我从营会回家的路上,神对我讲话,这正是我所需要的。我发现神在我安静,只是倾听的时候对我讲话。(对我这种固执的人来说是很罕见的情况。)尽管我很固执,祂用我对垒球的热情给我上了一课。

祂所说的内容基本是这样的:“看看我在这个事工的领域里给你的恩赐。看看你用你的手把这副手套“塑造”出的样子。这个手套是很快就能成这个样子吗?当然不是,这不是一夜之间的变化。这需要功夫。你必须先破坏它原有的皮子,然后使它变软,再塑成现在的样子。因为旧的样式不能发挥该有的功效,必须变成新的样式。但是新的样式也不是一蹴而就的,它很顽固抵触。总是恢复到旧样式。所以你必须日日夜夜地花功夫把它塑造成你想要的样式。过程不易,但最终会成为新的样式,你也会因此欢喜。”接下来神就把这些联系到我的生活,“看看我是如何塑造你的心的。我把你塑造成美丽的样式,我的形象。即使你抵触反抗的时候,我也不放弃。当你在白天或晚上寻求我的时候,我就将将自己浇灌给你。你并不完美,但你每天都在成长,成为我美丽的女儿。看看在我的帮助下你变得更加坚强。看看你是怎样给我带来荣耀的。我的孩子,我的孩子,成为我的仆人就像要破坏一副新手套一样。不能一蹴而就,而是需要功夫。心墙必须被推倒, 你必须允许我塑造你在我里面的新样式――不会抓住过去不放,不会回到过去的世界上老样子,也不会抗拒要发生在你身上的改变。”



 出 发

1. 你将信靠放在什么里面?

2. 是什么阻止你听神的声音?

3. 你是觉得自己得足够完美才能被神所爱和被神所使用吗?考虑下,想象基督,为什么这种感觉是不对的?

4. 如果你是被信和恩典所救,这对于完美是什么看法?

5. 今天的你比昨天的你在哪些方面更像基督?


  训 练

“我使你在母腹中成形以先,就认识你;你还未出母胎,我已把你分别为圣,立你作列国的先知。”  (耶利米书 1:5 新译本)

我们有这宝贝在瓦器里,是要显明这极大的能力是属于 神,不是出于我们。  (书 4:7 新译本)

所以,我们并不沮丧,我们外面的人虽然渐渐朽坏,但里面的人却日日更新, 因为我们短暂轻微的患难,是要为我们成就极大无比、永远的荣耀。 我们所顾念的,不是看得见的,而是看不见的;因为看得见的是暂时的,看不见的是永远的。 (书 4:16-18 新译本)

如果有人在基督里,他就是新造的人,旧事已经过去,你看,都变成新的了!  (书 5:17 新译本)

你们得救是靠着恩典,藉着信心。这不是出于自己,而是 神所赐的; 这也不是出于行为,免得有人自夸。  (以弗所书 2:8-9 新译本)

Shaped Like a Glove


"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."- Jeremiah 29:11-13

Set :

Trusting God seems to be one of the hardest things for me to do. While I can fully trust in my car to start every morning or in certain people I've just met, when it comes to trusting the One who has everything under control, I struggle. Even though that doesn't make much sense, I am thankful that God knows my heart and loves me anyway. Imagine that. Even when I question where I'm going or what He is doing, He always seems to bring me right back to where I need to be: at His feet.

FCA Camp has been a huge blessing in my life, and God has used it in tremendous ways to show me how His light can still shine through my faults and weaknesses. This summer, on the way home from camp, God gave me exactly what I needed to hear. I've found that He speaks to me the most in times when I am still, just listening (which tends to be a very rare occasion for this stubborn heart). Despite my stubbornness, though, He showed me a lesson by using my passion for softball.

Basically, here is what He said: "Look at this talent I have given you on this 'field' of ministry. Look at this glove-look how you shape it with your hands. Does it take it's right form immediately? No. That change doesn't happen overnight. You must break down the leather to make it soft before you can shape it into something new. Because the old is not fit to perform the way you want it to, it must be made into a new creation. But it doesn't stay in its right form right away. It is resistant. It keeps going back to its old ways. So, you must work with it day and night to shape it into that new creation-into the image you want it to take. It won't be easy, but it will eventually take on this new form, and you will rejoice in it. It will perform in ways you never imagined." Then He continued by relating this to my life: "See how I mold your heart? I shape it and build it into a beautiful creation in My image. Even when you resist I do not give up. I pour into you as you seek Me day and night. You're not perfect, but you are growing daily as my beautiful daughter. Look how much stronger you are becoming with My help! Look how you bring Me glory! My child, My child...Becoming My servant is like breaking in a new glove. It won't happen overnight. It takes work. The walls must be broken down around your heart, and you must allow me to shape it into a new creation in Me-without holding on to your past, without returning to your old form in the ways of this world, without resisting to the change that is happening in your heart."

Today, if you are feeling useless or stubborn, choose to trust God. He's working in you and will keep working in you if you continue to seek Him. You aren't perfect, and that's okay. He knows that, and He loves you anyway. In fact, even in your imperfection, He will keep shining His glory through you if you let Him. And, eventually, just like my softball glove, you will find yourself taking on His image more and more each day.


1. What are you putting your trust in?

2. What is keeping you from hearing God's voice?

3. Do you think you have to be perfect to be useful to or loved by God? Considering Scripture and what you know about Jesus Christ, why would that be untrue?

4. If you are saved by faith and grace, what does that say about perfection?

5. How are you more like Christ today than you were yesterday?


“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”  (Jeremiah 1:5 NIV)

But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.  (2 Corinthians 4:7 NIV)

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.  (2 Corinthians 4:16-18 NIV)

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!  (2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV)

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.  (Ephesians 2:8-9 NIV)





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